Crimson- CLOVER
Cool Season - Legume
Drainage: Poorly to well-drained soils
Fertility: Very Good tolerance of low soil fertility
pH Level: 5.5 - 7.0
Minimum Soil Germination Temp: 42°F
Sunlight: Good shade tolerance
Dates: Anytime after last threat of spring frost
Seed 6-10 weeks before avg first frost
Precision: Not recommended
Drilled: 12 lb/A , 1/4' to 1/2' deep
Broadcast: 15 lb/A
Aerial: 18 lb/A
Average seeds/lb: 149,800
Inoculate: Yes, crimson or berseem inoculant
Emergence: 3-7 days
Height: 12" - 20"
Drought & Heat: Fair drought tolerance
Fair heat tolerance
Flooding: Does not tolerate flooding
Attacts beneficial insects
Tolerates most soil types
Increases moisture holding capacity
Soil builder
Produces N ranging to 50-150 lbs/A
Secondary host to insects such as corn earworm adn cotton bollworm
Early fall planting can result in crimson clover going to seed in the fall
With its rapis, robust growth, crimson clover provides early spring nitrogen for full-season crops. Rapid fall growth, or summer growth in cool areas, also makes it a top choice for short-rotation niches as a weed suppressing green manure. Crimson clover adds to the soil organic N pool by scavenging mineralized N and by normal legume N fixation. The scavenging process, accomplished most effectively by grasses, helps reduce the potential for N leaching into groundwater during winter and spring. In Hardiness Zone 8 crimson clover will overwinter dependably with only infrequent winterkill.