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Daikon Radish

COOL Season - Brassica

Their rapid fall growth has the potential to capture nitrogen in large amounts and from deep in the soil profile.  Above ground dry biomass accumulation can reach 8,000 lb./A and N accumulation of 140 lb./A in ideal conditions.  Below ground biomass of radishes can be as high as 3700 lb./A  Daikon radish is less affected by frost than a forage radish, but may be killed by heavy frost below 25°F.   Daikon radish grows about 2-3 feet tall.  Radishes have benn shown to alleviate soil compaction and suppress weeds through allelopathic chemical reactions.



Drainage:  Poorly to well-drained soils


Fertility:    Low tolerance of low soil fertility


pH Level:   6.0 - 7.5


Minimum Soil Germination Temp: 45°F


Sunlight: Low shade tolerance







Dates: 3-10 days before average first frost



         Precision:   4 lb./A

           Drilled:           6 lb/A , 1/4' to 3/4' deep

         Broadcast:  8 lb/A

          Aerial:             10 lb/A


Average seeds/lb: 25,000

Inoculate:   no

Emergence: 3-5 days

Height: 12" - 18"


Drought & Heat:  Good drought tolerance

                                      Good heat tolerance


Flooding:   Does not tolerate flooding or ponding


  • Excellent subsoiler and nitrogen scavenger

  • Rapid growth rate with deep taproots

  • Loosens soil

  • Soilbuilder

  • Works well with no-till systems






  • Poor erosion prevention

  • Low tolerance of low soil fertility

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