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Hairy - VETCH

COOL Season - Legume



Drainage:  Poorly to well-drained soils


Fertility:    Fair tolerance of low soil fertility


pH Level:   5.5-7.5


Minimum Soil Germination Temp: 60°F


Sunlight: Superior shade tolerance







Dates: 30-45 days before avg fist frost



         Precision:   7lb/A

           Drilled:           15-20 lb/A , 1/2" to 1/2" deep

         Broadcast:   17-22 lb/A

          Aerial:             18-22 lb/A


Average seeds/lb: 16,300

Inoculate: Pea or vetch inoculant

Emergence: 14 days

Height: 3' - 7'


Drought & Heat:  Good drought tolerance

                                      Good heat tolerance


Flooding:   Does not tolerate flooding or ponding


  • Large production of mineralized N

  • Loosens topsoil and builds soil

  • Once estalished it has good weed suppression 

  • Scavenges Phosphorus very well





  • Establishment takes time

  • Can become a weed

  • Can increase soybean cyst & root-knot

Few Legumes match Hairy Vetch for spring residue production or nitrogen contribution.  Widely adapted and winter hardy through Hardiness Zone 4 and into Zone 3 (with snow cover).  Hairy Vetch is a top N provider in temperate and subtropical regions.  The cover grows slowly in fall, but root development continues over winter.  Growth quickens in spring, when it becomes a sprawling vine up to 12 feet long.  Field height rarely exceeds 3 feet unless the Vetch is suported by another crop.  Its abundant, viney biomass can be a benefit and a challenge.  However, a good stand of Hariy Vetch can smother spring weeds and help you replace all or most N fertilizer needs for late-planted crops.

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