Cool Season - Grass
Drainage: Relativley poorly drained to well-
drained soil
Fertility: Very good tolerance to low
pH Level: 5.2-7.2
Minimum Soil Germination Temp: 38°F
Sunlight: Low shade tolerance
Dates: August 1 - December 1
Precision: 30lb/A
Drilled: 50 lb/A, 3/4" to 1 1/2" deep
Broadcast: 60 lb/A
Aerial: 72 lb/A
Average seeds/lb: 22,700
Inoculate: NR*
Emergence: 6-8 days
Height: 1.5' - 3'
Drought & Heat: Good drought tolerance
Low Heat tolerance
Flooding: Tolerates brief flooding
Erosion Preventer
N Scavenger
Soil Builder
Lasting Residue
Weed Fighter
Grazing Value
Harmful insects or nemotodes can be a moderate problem in a subsequent cash crop
May limit N availability to subsuquent crops that are heavy N users.
Tricale is a ceral crop developed by human intervention from crosses between wheat and rye. It has been developed to incorporate the high yield potential and quality of wheat, the adaptability of rye, and is adapted to a wide range of soil types and environments. Triticale has an aggressive root system that binds light soils better than wheat, barley, or oats. Under ideal conditions, researchers have found that triticale can out-yield wheat and barley and sometimes oats. Triticale is well established as an ingredient in livestock ration.