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White Pea

COOL Season - Legume



Drainage:  Somewhat poorly drained to well-drained soils


Fertility:    Low tolerance of low soil fertility


pH Level:   6.0-7.0


Minimum Soil Germination Temp: 41°F


Sunlight: Low shade tolerance







Dates: Frost seed in early spring or plant where plants become 6-8" tall before soil freezes.  (Roots are shallow and susceptible to heaving).



         Precision:   26 lb/A

           Drilled:           50-80 lb/A, 1" to 1/2" deep

         Broadcast:   55-88 lb/A (with shallow incorporation)

          Aerial:             60-96 lb/A


Average seeds/lb: 1,800-4,000

Inoculate: Yes, pea or vetch inoculum

Emergence: 9 days

Height: 2"- 4'


Drought & Heat:  Low drought tolerance

                                      Low heat tolerance


Flooding:   Does not tolerate flooding or ponding


  • Rapid spring growth for weed control

  • Pollinators

  • Nitrogen production






  • May not overwinter in northern regions without adequate snow cover

  • Poor N scavenger

  • Poor subsoiler

High N-fixers, winter peas produce abundant vining forage and contribute to short-term soil conditioning.  Succulent stems break down easily and are a quick source of available N.  Winter Peas grow rapidly in the cool, moist weather they encounter as winter annuals in the South. Austrian winter peas are top N producers, yeilding from 90 to 150 lb. N/A, and at times up to 300 lb. N/A.  Rapid spring growth helps peas out compete weeds and make a N contribution in time for summer cash crops in some areas.  The purple and white blossoms of winter peas are an early and extended source of nectar for honeybees.

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