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Yellow Mustard

COOL Season - Brassica



Drainage:  Well drained t0 moderatly well-drained soils


Fertility:    Good tolerance of low soil fertility


pH Level:   5.5 - 8.3 *Soils with pH near 7 for best results


Minimum Soil Germination Temp: 41°F


Sunlight: Low shade tolerance







Dates: 4-6 weeks before killing frost



         Precision:   Not recommended

           Drilled:           4-8 lb/A , 1/4" to 3/4'"deep

         Broadcast:   13 lb/A

          Aerial:             15 lb/A


Average seeds/lb: 100,000

Inoculate: Not recommended

Emergence: 5-7 days

Height: 3' - 5'


Drought & Heat:  Good drought tolerance

                                      Good heat tolerance


Flooding:   Does not tolerate flooding or ponding


  • Easily Terminated

  • Excellent for disease and nematode suppression

  • Great bio-fumigation characteristics






  • Certain cultivars could be harmful to livestock

  • Possibility of negative effects on cash crop from allelopathic reactions

  • Possible weed risk in certain instances

Mustard is a verstile annual brassica, which can produce rapid growth up to 3-5 ft tall.  This species produces a thick tap root that penetrates 1-3 ft into the soil profile, with a thick fibrous root system at the surface similar to that of cereal species.  Mustards yellow flowers will bloom within 6 weeks after emergence, which attracts many beneficial and pollinator insects, such as the honeybees, lygus bugs, ladybugs, and hoverflies.  The glucosinolate content of yellow mustard is very high compared to the true Brassicas.  Yellow mustard biomass can reach upwards of 8,500 lb./A with the nitrogen content of the residue reaching 328 lb. N/A as reported.

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